Rahul Arora

Rahul Arora
Full Stack Developer
  • Residence:
  • Region:
  • Advanced Javascript
  • Apis
  • MySql, PostgreSQL, MongoDb
  • Version Control System


php / mvc

smmgang: a full-stack web application for social media marketing services

smmgang is a web application that i developed using php and mvc (model-view-controller) architecture. it is a platform that provides high-quality and affordable social media marketing solutions for various platforms, such as instagram, facebook, youtube, and more.

the idea for this project came from my interest in social media and digital marketing. i wanted to create a web application that can help people and businesses grow their social media accounts and achieve their marketing goals. i also wanted to challenge myself and learn new skills in web development.

i started this project by doing some research on the existing social media marketing platforms and their features. i also analyzed the needs and preferences of the potential users and customers. based on my research, i came up with a list of features and functionalities that i wanted to include in my web application.

some of the main features of smmgang are:

  • user registration and login system with email verification and password recovery
  • user dashboard with profile settings, order history, balance, and notifications
  • service catalog with categories, subcategories, filters, and search options
  • order placement system with payment methods, order details, and order status
  • order tracking system with progress bar, delivery time, and order completion
  • support system with live chat, ticket system, faq, and contact form
  • api integration system with documentation, api key, api services, and api orders

i designed and implemented the front-end and back-end of the website, using html, css, javascript, bootstrap, jquery, ajax, php, mysql, and laravel. i also used git for version control and deployed the website on a linux server.

the website is responsive, secure, fast, and user-friendly. it adapts to different screen sizes and devices. it uses ssl encryption, csrf protection, input validation, and captcha verification to prevent unauthorized access and malicious attacks. it uses caching, compression, pagination, and lazy loading to optimize the performance and loading speed. it uses intuitive design, clear navigation, consistent layout, and helpful feedback to enhance the user experience.

i learned a lot from this project about web development, database management, api integration, and social media marketing. i gained valuable knowledge and skills in using various tools and technologies. i also improved my problem-solving, debugging, testing, and documentation skills.

i am proud of creating a web application that can help people improve their online presence and reach their target audience more effectively. i am also open to feedback and suggestions on how to improve my web application further. you can visit the website at https://www.smmgang.com/ and check out its features and functionalities. thank you for your interest in my project.

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  • Developer
    Rahul Arora
  • Technology:
    php / mvc
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